What’s wrong with my employees?



Your employees don’t seem to come to you when they have work issues.

You’ve been trying to help by sending regular reminder emails and checking their work frequently.

Nothing is working and you are getting more upset by the day.

What is wrong with your employees? …

Probably not as much as you…

This may be the time to look at the possibility that you are a micromanager. Micromanagers want to control the work environment to guarantee the success that they fear won’t happen without their fingerprints on every project and process. …

Sadly, a micromanager sends one primary message to the staff: “I don’t trust you.” The chapter on micromanagement in The Supervisor’s Companion offers a clear understanding of what happens to employees when their supervisor is a micromanager. Practical guidelines for overcoming this problem, which is common to new supervisors, is available in this book.



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